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animal testing

Some animals are take form ads in the paper saying "free to good home", these people dont know thta their pet is about to be sent to a lab to be tested on and probably killed. The animals are sometimes left in their cages for weeks without food or water,and when they get sick they are barely ever given medicine to help them.
             proof animal testing doesn't always work.
             Sometimes even after the product is marketed researchers will continue to test them on animals. Knowing that the product works and it's already out they should not be continuing to test it, they are just killing more innocent animals and it is cruel! In this country everyone is soposed to be equal and no one is listining to how it should be. There is no law saying that animals should be tested on for cosmetics and household products. People's bodys are different from animals bodys, and how the animals reaction would be would probably be diferent then ours, so why would they test some things that might not be healthy for us on the animals."Cats lack an enzyme that makes it possible for them to metabolize ibprofen". "The circulation systems of dogs is different because they walk on all four and we only walk on 2."(www.geocities.com/paws_n_tails/animaltestingfacts.html) Some examples of things that were tested on animals and hurt people are:methoxyflurance,people lost their livers because the animal tests did not show that,antidepressant zelmid was tested on rats and dogs and gave them no trouble but caused neurological problems in people and opren, a caugh medicine tested on monkeys killed 61 people and caused reactions that were severe in thousands of other people. Drugs that pass animal tests end up killings or harming people about 61% of the time.
             "These experiments do not save humans lives or .
             improve them in any way. It was already known .
             that stronium 90 was unhealthy before beagles.

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