These groups were again opposed to the modernising behaviour of women and their aims differed only slightly to that of the Nazi's.
To think of the inequalities of the sexes as the same as the inequalities between those of differing races is an outlandish view and is an insult to any modern Jew. The visible badge of women's worthlessness was shown by their obstruction into political fields while the Jews badge was the attempted genocide of their race, hardly a valid comparison. The only valid part-comparison between the two sections was that they centred dislike in a "single hate", women basically acted as men's scapegoats and gave white-collar workers fears job insecurity and guilt of misogyny a welcome release just as the Jews gave the average German a body to blame for the countries previous downfalls.
Minister for Propaganda, Goebbels described the women's place in society by saying, Woman has the task of being beautiful and bringing children into the world," his defence was derived from the animal kingdom, likening women to female birds which preen themselves for their mates and hatches her eggs for him. In a piece of luck the German word for sky and heaven were similar, so the birds habitat being in the sky provided yet another piece of animal simile based propaganda. While all these arguments may have seemed somewhat superficial, Goebbels did believe that the Nazi derogation of women was a way of returning their essential dignity. By calling on the words of a traditionalist Goethe who had called the political song a nasty song, he had managed to turn this derogation into its wholly fake opposite by saying they excluded women for ever from all leading positions in the Party as of 1921 to keep them out of the "miasma" of parliamentary democracy.
It was however Goebbels cabinet colleague, Frick the Minister of the Interior that took this degradation beyond any natural or believable limits, his notion was to grade women by their child output.