Poverty Issues In El Paso Texas .
When one thinks of poverty the thoughts that usually come to ones mind is that .
poverty is a lack of shelter, it is not having the means to support yourself or your .
loved ones. Poverty for most people provides a fear for the future and living from .
day to day. Poverty is a topic that is always current, in that it is a problem that will .
never be fully eliminated. Political, social, cultural, and economical factors all .
contribute to poverty. These examples of poverty especially exist in the border town .
of El Paso Texas.
The main reason that the poverty level is so high in El Paso is due to the fact that .
wages are low and jobs are hard to come by. There are not enough businesses in El .
Paso to provide jobs for the entire population. For every three jobs in El Paso, two .
of them pay less than minimum wage. Because of low wages and high .
unemployment, there are more people that are receiving unemployment and .
welfare. Due to these circumstances, the city of El Paso has many areas of town that .
are run down and look impoverished. .
Poverty is highly visible in many parts of El Paso. If you drive west on interstate .
ten and look to your left, you can see Juarez Mexico. On that side, where Juarez and .
El Paso connect, if you take a closer look it will reveal that the houses are very small .
and dilapidated. One cannot even call them homes because they resemble shacks. .
These shacks are made of multiple layers of cardboard that are pressed together .
with tape, glue, and even staples holding them together. .
Many of these shacks are spray painted to give the effect that they are indeed .
homes. There are no windows on many of these houses and nothing to protect these .
residents from the sand storms and other forces of nature that pass through El Paso .
on a yearly basis. Inside these homes, you see people in torn clothing; hear babies .
crying because they are hungry, and see younger children whose parents are so poor .