"# This analysis of where and when Negro discrimination began can be argued with many points. There is no real conclusion that can be obtained but there is an argument that allows you to decide for yourself what can or can not be true. Although, if race is a relatively new concept then its origin and development can be traced easily. On the other hand if race is as ancient as time then answering the question of race becomes much more difficult. There is one thing that remains constant through each analysis and that is the fact that the term race, used as a word of separation, became very distinguishable during colonization.
At that time, the word took on a connotation that put entire groups of people into one of two categories based on the color of their skin. You were either considered a black person (among other names) or a white person, which is an unconscious prejudice that continues to this day. So it seems simple to trace the origin of race but not so simple to trace the origin of its prejudiced or its discriminatory view. Looking back into history, it is determined that many languages used the word race to "categorize human beings". Although, their meanings of race varied from place to place and "it was the English in North America who developed the most rigid and exclusionist form of race ideology" (Smedley 17). Many people have linked race and racism to the beginning of time, using the stories of the Bible to explain this racial confusion. Smedley states that until recently, "the major source of knowledge and explanations of the world and its complexities was the biblical interpretations (Smedley, 152). For these people, the Bible provides an answer to the question about race as well as slavery. .
Race and The Bible.
Many people are familiar with biblical stories and many religious ideas, and for the most part many of the stories and ideas agree. Well there is one biblical story that I have gathered from my readings, that not many people agree upon and that is the story of Noah's sons Shem, Ham and Japheth.