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Martin Luther King

Authors don't want to.
             have weak points, but it's a hard thing to do. The less week points your book has the better the .
             book will be. The book KING: A Critical Biographies there is both strong and weak points, but what.
             makes this book good is that there are a greater amount of strong points then there are weak ones. .
             The are lots of strong points about this book, but only the strongest will be pointed out.
             KING: A Critical Biography is a very well written book, which contains lots of facts about Martin.
             Luther King's life and how he lived it. The author uses very descriptive words and sentences, he.
             makes you feel like you were actually there to witness it. Like the one sentence on page forty-seven,.
             bottom, that reads, " . . . black passengers shook their heads commiseratively and muttered the.
             "Lawd, Lawds" that had been reserved for generations for acts of futile resistance to white.
             injustice."Another strong point from the book would have to be the fact that the author went into.
             great detail about Martin King's college years. He explains about the college's Martin went to, what.
             he studied at those college's, and how Martin felt as he went through those tough college years. .
             "While he wrestled the romantic distractions of his final year at Crozer, he was also deeply absorbed.
             by a number of intellectual problems."(P.34) is a great example of how Martin felt. .
             The last strong point I will talk about is how the author wrote about the boycotts and.
             marches. He wrote them as if he were really there, as if he were marching with Martin Luther King.
             He writes them with such great description you wonder, how does he know all this? For example,.
             on page two hundred and seventy-three, "Finally, it seemed that the march would not be as large as.
             had been anticipated. Selma's blacks were beginning to lose enthusiasm; their demonstration had .
             Tate 3.
             become less numerous, less vigorous.

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