Through the lyrics or instrumental talent, they may find comfort, or even inspiration, and when a person is not allowed to express them selves, their rights are being taken away.
Thomas Jefferson once said "speech cannot limited, without being lost." When he said this, he had no idea how right he was. His idea's set the stage for the document our country is based on yet, those ideas are what people are trying to take away. People have a right to dream, to write, and to sing whatever they want. If you take away that right, like Jefferson says, something will be lost. An idea, a free spirit, and an artist will all be lost. Like Heins says in her book Not in Front of the Children "it is most important that the tales which the young first hear should be models of virtuous thoughts." She too believes that we must teach our children that expression is the most important thing in the world, and that no person should be able to tell you not to dream, or to think anything but what you want. Whether its music or any other type of art, it is your, and no one else has the right to take that away from you. .
In the Mid-1980's, Tipper Gore brought up a bill that would establish a mandatory labeling system for all entertainment products containing violent content and to criminalize the sale of labeled material to minors, and recently, that bill was once again brought up by Senators John McCain, and Joseph Leiberman. Under the terms of this proposed bill, producers of "interactive video game products and services, video program products, motion picture products, and sound recording products" would be forced to create a uniform rating system for all violent content in these products. The Federal Trade Commission would have the power to review this ratings system, and if the system employed by the entertainment industry was unacceptable, then the FTC would also hold the power to create it's own system that would become mandatory by law.