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Meiji Restoration

The next period of Japanese history reflects the modernisation of Japan.
             The emperor was restored to power in 1868. When he first came to throne he was only 15 and too young to govern alone. The real power was held in a small group of young samurai holding political power, which is called an oligarchy. The young samurai dominated Japanese society for the next forty years. The oligarchy knew they had to perform two important tasks: establish complete control over Japan and make Japan equal with the west. Modernising Japan is what the majority of the oligarchy knew had to be done.
             Before modernisation commenced, one of the first actions of the young samurai oligarchy was to get the emperor to issue a document that showed the new government's aims. This act was called the Charter Oath. The Charter Oath declared that councils would be established so that the nation will be ruled according to public opinion: Men from all clans shall be united without distinction, All subjects, civil and military forces as well as the common people, shall do their best for Japan, Old absurd customs shall be abandoned and justice shall guide all actions and knowledge shall be gained from all the nations of the world to help Japan advance.
             In doing this, the oligarchy encourages Japanese experts to study Western systems. The aim was to find the best models to copy for Japan's modernisation.
             Military strength was imperative for the government control over the nation and protecting themselves from the West. The new navy was modelled on British lines and was made up of the former shogun's fleet with officers from the Satsuma clan. Ships where to be made up locally and also more ships where to be purchased abroad. The Japanese Imperial Army was formed in 1871; it was made up of ten thousand men. The government needed a centrally controlled army, which was loyal to the emperor. The new Japanese army was formed on the efficient army.

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