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Absolutism and Constitutionali

The French art was also influenced by absolutism resulting in Classicsm that banned individualism and glorified the king. .
             By the 16th century, Spain had gone a long way in the absolutism. However this started to change as the Spanish economy started to decline after the English and Dutch began to trade with Spanish colonies cutting of big amounts of revenues from Spain. To make matters worse, Spain had a thin middle class, and this created big sociological gaps between people. Also, Spain was drawn to several wars that weakened its treasury more and more. All these factors contributed to the decline of the Spanish empire which was once one of the powerful countries in Europe.
             The thirty years" war gave rise to the Habsburgs of Austria. These later tried to ban Protestantism. But they experienced many clashes with the nobles who were strong enough to hinder absolutism. The Hbsburgs also confronted the Othamans and did succeed to reflect their attacks. as a result, the Hubsburgs never succeeded to centralize the power in one area ,an there were three main territories: the old hereditary provinces of Austria, the kingdom of Bohemia, and the kingdom of Hungary, each one with its own laws and politics.
             After 1400, the nobility power increased at the expense of the peasants. The noble Hohenzollern family had enough power to introduce absolutism to Prussia after Frederick William the Great Elector came to power. He tried to unify the three provinces ( Brandenburg, Prussia, and the holdings around Rhine) under his control. Eventually, 2 factors helped him reach his goal: Wars and conflicts, and the Nobility that was obliged to accept its power restriction. Although the Great Elector did reach his goals, absolutism did not reach its peak until Frederick William I came to power, this later established a great army that ensured the satiability and the loyalty of his subject; absolutism was attained.

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