Even if the man is very turned on, a woman has the right to say stop at any time. Losing self-control because of drinking and might think that because the both parties were drunk it was not rape. The fact that either person was drunk never excuses rape.
It is most often women who are raped, but boys can be raped, too. According to Kathleen Winkler, in the book Date Rape A Hot Issue, some experts estimate that about 10% of victims seeking help at rape crisis centers are male (20). In most cases other men rape men, but there are a few cases in which women have raped men. How can a woman rape a man? It is possible to stimulate a man into having erection even if he does not want one. Cases of female-male rape are often child abuse. The emotional effects, a young man may wonder if being raped makes him a homosexual. It does not. .
Victims of date rape experience many emotions: shame, guilt, fear, and self-doubt. They doubt their ability to judge people's characters. They find it difficult to trust others. And, naturally, they face the frightening prospect of seeing their attacker again because they know him or her. A victim may also feel guilty and blame herself for causing the rape because she believes she led him on because she kissed or dressed too sexy or was drinking. However, none of these things means the rape was the victim's fault. But feelings are not always logical. Me Ra Koh said that after the rape was committed and her boyfriend was found not guilty because of insufficient evidence she said, "Finally reached a breaking point and started contemplating suicide." Rape victims are also thirteen times more likely to attempt suicide than non-victims (Winkler 55).
Many rape victims choose not to report the rape to the police. They have reasons for that choice that are valid in their own minds such as; fear of the rapist or embarrassment, but they must realize that not reporting a rape allows the rapist to go free.