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The Signalman

You'll have to get used to that, just as I had.' This suggests that their relationship is not very close. Later, Eric says that he sees some of Birling's 'respectable friends' with 'fat old tarts round the town'. Birling's reaction to this is angry and he clearly does not want any further mention of that topic. From this reaction, it is possible to conclude that Birling might also go to prostitutes, as that sort of behaviour was fairly common amongst upper middle-class men at that time. .
             There is a suggestion that Gerald had an affair because Sheila says to him 'all last summer. you never came near me'. There is also a hint at Eric's drinking problem, because even at dinner Sheila notices that he is 'squiffy.' He later acts uneasily when Gerald and his father are joking with him about the possibility of him having 'been up to something' and he says that he does not 'think it's very funny.' The audience knows that the joke was harmless and might wonder what Eric has to worry about. As soon as the Inspector enters the stage, the lighting becomes brighter and any shadows would be eliminated. This effect is to show that they can no longer hide and that the Inspector will bring everything to light. This indeed does happen and all of the problems that have been hinted at previously are brought out, plus some others. .
             The war would have been an even sadder issue in 1947 when the play was first shown than it is now, and one which would have made people feel uneasy and would have provoked a lot of emotions and a lot of bad memories. This means that when Birling spoke about it in his speech, the audience would suspect that the play was about to become darker because such a distressing topic would not be mentioned if something bad was not going to happen. This is an example of dramatic irony because the play was written in 1947 so the audience knew that there were two world wars about to happen, but the characters did not.

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