Crooks is rejected from every group of people and cannot socially interact with others.
"Loneliness can result from rejection- ( Although discrimination is still present during the time period of the book (early 20th century), Crooks still attempts to make friends. Others treat Crooks unjust because he is different from others given that he is black. He does not know how to treat others because of the way others treat him; with disrespect. Furthermore, he does not know how to vent his frustration and as a result, lashes out at others because they are cruel to him. Crooks is not allowed to participate in daily events with white people. He is treated unfairly and therefore acts the same way toward the white people (the ones who offended him.).
"Cause I"m black. They play cards in there, but I can't play because I"m Black. They say I stink. Well I tell you, you all stink to me!" (Steinbeck, 75).
Nobody likes to be forced to live in a barn, let alone to work only with the horses. Crooks spent most of his nights reading and he keeps away from others because of the way he is treated and this eventually leads to his very own emotional downfall. He is treated as an outcast and is forced to find friendship the only way he can, through the books that he reads. The Counseling Center of the University of Buffalo said that: "When you are alone, use the time to enjoy yourself. For example, listen to music or watch a favorite television show. Do not spend the time eating endlessly or worrying about your problems." (Karlene Robinson, Obviously Crooks is aware of his problem and tries to cope with it through books and magazines. .
Crooks is fascinated by the strength of the friendship of Lennie and George, especially how close they are. Crooks said, "Well, s"pose, jus" s"pose he don't come back. What"ll you do then?" (Steinbeck, 79) Crooks asks these questions because he does not have any friends.