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             lowered unemployment to 17.2%. To make these organizations it was .
             going to take money. Roosevelt had to deficit spend, which is when the .
             government spends more than their budget in one year, in order to .
             obtain this money. Of course these ideas of supply and demand and .
             active government didn't just come to him. He was influenced by John .
             Maynard Keynes and John Stuart Mill. There philosophies were the basis .
             of the New Deal. John Stuart Mill, who began studying economics at age .
             13, was one of the most influential political thinkers of the .
             mid-Victorian period. He believed in empiricism and utilitarianism. .
             Empiricism is the belief that legitimate knowledge comes only from .
             experience. Utilitarianism is the belief by which things are judged .
             right or wrong. It is judged according to their consequences. In a way .
             he was a hypocrite. When the economy was good he believed in .
             Laisezz-Faire, which means "hands off." If the economy was bad, .
             though, he believed in an extended role of government. This simply .
             meant that the government should take part in the economy and try to .
             make it better. The New Deal was a very active government plan because .
             it had the government working directly to make jobs and fix the .
             economy. Mill died in 1873 and would never had a chance to talk to .
             Franklin D. Roosevelt. In a press conference Franklin D. Roosevelt .
             once said, "I brought down several books by English economists and .
             leading American economists, I suppose I must have read different .
             articles by fifteen different experts."(Schlesinger, Pg.650) This .
             writing indirectly steered Roosevelt towards a plan which expanded the .
             role of government. Mill gave Franklin D. Roosevelt the basis of the .
             plan, but it needed to be elaborated on. John Maynard Keynes was the .
             man to do this. John Maynard Keynes, one of the most influential .
             economists of the 20th century. For many years he was an active voice .
             in economics. In 1929 he wrote We Can Conquer Unemployment and in 1930 .

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