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Othello's Iago

             Paragraph 4: Deception.
             Explanations and Definitions.
             n Deception is the illusion of making it seem as though something or someone is something different.
             n Iago is a very intelligent yet deceitful character.
             n Iago makes all other characters in the play believe that he is someone who he really isn't.
             n Iago is deceiving to everyone because he made everyone believe that he was a good friend of Cassio's when he really hated him.
             n Iago deceives Roderigo in telling him that he has a chance with Desdemona. This makes Roderigo trust Iago and allows Iago to manipulate him.
             Concluding Sentence.
             Iago's deceitfulness gives him the ability to manipulate characters in the play to help him achieve what he believes he deserves, the position of lieutenant.
             Paragraph 5: Conclusion.
             Restatement of theme of essay: By using the three motifs of the play Iago manipulates the other characters for his own personal gain.
             Relation to items discussed: Iago has the ability to manipulate the other characters through jealousy judgment and deception. .
             Summing up of 3 points of thesis: We see how Iago is a villain when he uses jealousy judgment and deception to manipulate others for his own personal gain. .
             Iago's Use of the Three Motifs of Othello.
             Through the three motifs of the play Iago has the ability to manipulate and hurt others for his own personal gain. Iago is able to manipulate the other characters of the play because he is a villainous character who doesn't understand the morals of society. Iago uses jealousy, judgment and deception to manipulate various characters in the play for his own personal gain and satisfaction of revenge on different characters.
             Jealousy is a emotion which everyone has felt at some point in their life, you envy .
             someone because they got a new car or a raise at work and you wish you could have what .
             they have. Iago is a very jealous character in Othello. Iago is mainly jealous of Cassio and we see this in many situations throughout the play.

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