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Logistics and Ethics of Mascot

Im not saying the mascot is going to drive anyone crazy, but what kind of influence would a mascot like that have on the people, or even on the children? The younger Indians in school would be picked on and probably even those at the opposing team's school. But even the other ethnicities would be influenced. They would grow up with the wrong mentality about Indians and probably make the same mistakes their parents or brothers made. There is just no way around it. If a mascot is offending people living in the town it needs to be changed, hands down. What if a white person went to a Chinese school and finds out that the mascot was a fat, beer-guzzling, white hick running down the football field with an American flag in one hand and a grease-dripping cheeseburger in the other? And what if the opposing team made slogans like: "Hick-ups" or "Take out the White Trash." You get the idea. Most white people would be utterly disgusted. Any white person who has considered this scenario should understand how the Indians feel. .
             There is a moral obligation to change the mascot, but common sense also demands change. This mascot creates discontent in the town and segregates the townsfolk. Not only are the Indians are insulted; the people of other ethnicities are also insulted. That leaves the people who consider their own tradition and team unity are more important content of another ethnic group. Unfortunately there are quite a few people in the town that think that way. Constant bickering will surely tear the town apart if the mascot remains unchanged. True, if the mascot is changed, there will be still be much arguing, but there is a difference. If the mascot is changed, people will forget about the whole issue in time. Those fighting for the mascot would eventually lose interest and simply move on. However, if the mascot is left unchanged, the Indians and moral individuals will not simply leave it alone, they will keep fighting until their concepts of justice have been satisfied.

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