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lady ashley

             that Jake just cannot provide her with. Jake's emasculation only puts.
             the two in a grandly ironic situation. Brett is an extremely passionate.
             woman but is denied the first man she feels true love and admiration.
             for. Jake has loved Brett for years and cannot have her because of his.
             inability to have sex. It is obvious that their love is mutual when.
             Jake tries to kiss Brett in their cab ride home: ""You mustn't. You.
             must know. I can't stand it, that's all. Oh darling, please.
             understand!", "Don't you love me?", "Love you? I simply turn all to.
             jelly when you touch me"" (26, Ch. 4). This scene is indicative of their.
             relationship as Jake and Brett hopelessly desire each other but realize.
             the futility of further endeavors. Together, they have both tried to.
             defy reality, but failed. Jake is frustrated by Brett's reappearance.
             into his life and her confession that she is miserably unhappy. Jake.
             asks Brett to go off with him to the country for bit: ""Couldn't we go.
             off in the country for a while?", "It wouldn't be any good. I"ll go if.
             you like. But I couldn't live quietly in the country. Not with my own.
             true love", "I know", "Isn't it rotten? There isn't any use my telling.
             you I love you", "You know I love you", "Let's not talk. Talking's all.
             bilge"" (55, Ch. 7). Brett declines Jake's pointless attempt at being.
             together. Both Brett and Jake know that any relationship beyond a.
             friendship cannot be pursued. Jake is still adjusting to his impotence.
             while Brett will not sacrifice a sexual relationship for the man she.
             Since Jake can never be Brett's lover, they are forced to create a new.
             relationship for themselves, perhaps one far more dangerous than that of.
             mere lovers - they have become best friends. This presents a great.
             difficulty for Jake, because Brett's presence is both pleasurable and.
             agonizing for him. Brett constantly reminds him of his handicap and.
             thus Jake is challenged as a man in the deepest, most personal sense.

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