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             The idea of the United States paying reparations to African-Americans has gained mainstream attention. This heated topic has created controversy over the past decade. According to the New American Webster College Dictionary, reparation is defined as "the act of making amends; compensation for damage."" In this case, the damage inflicted is the institution of slavery. Many questions arise when asking should African-Americans be paid reparations. I decided to look at some of these questions from both sides of the issue.
             The most controversial opponent of slave reparations today has to be David Horowitz. When his article "Ten reasons why reparations for Blacks is a bad idea "and racist too- hit the media on January 3, 2001, it received both praise and criticism. Mr. Horowitz starts this article by stating " there is no single group clearly responsible for the crime of slavery."" He also incites that Arabs and Black Africans were the real culprit who enslaved African-American ancestors. In reason number nine (What about the debt Blacks owe to America?) the idea that the slave trade would still be effect is presented. If it were not for "the anti-slavery attitudes and military power of white Englishmen and a white American president who gave his life to sign the Emancipation Proclamation - Horowitz believes that if these factors did not occur Blacks would still be in bondage.

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