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Falun Gong

             Even after the government declared the group as an illegal organization, Falun Gong membership didn't falter. The government then declared it a cult, with even harsher repercussions for the members. The government persisted with its propaganda; the claims turned into Falun Gong being an evil, dangerous, mind-altering, threat to people's health, and causing psychotic behavior. They claimed members jump out of windows, attack family members, and disembowel themselves while they search for their Gong. The Government put a program on T.V. four times a day about how evil Falun Gong was, and the danger it posed to people. On October 29, 1999, the government issued new rules regarding heretic cults, although the rules were not directly aimed at Falun Gong members, it was used as a tool to persecute them. The rules defined heretic cults as organizations that disguised themselves as religion, which disturbed social order, jeopardized people's families and property. The leaders of the organizations would be severely punished under these new rules, if they were found to have manipulated members of the cult, to violate laws and regulations, organize gatherings to disrupt social order, cause death, rape women, swindle people out of their property and money, with superstition and heresy. The new rules claimed that the majority of "deceived" members wouldn't be persecuted if they made a clean break from the cult, but organizers and leaders would be severely punished. Those who helped with the investigation of the cult's leaders would receive lesser and even exempt punishment. Registered religion groups now had to apply 15 days in advance before they were allowed to practice their exercises in the park, and groups with over 100 people had to get permission directly from the police. Within a week of the ban, 3000 Falun Gong members were detained and sent to special camps. Within the camps, conditions were ultimately low.

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