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Racism Today

             enough sufficient evidence exists to prove their violent intent (Ridgeway.
             Covert racism expresses ideas of racism in disguised forms; sometimes the.
             covert racist is not even aware of the fact that he is racist. "Racism, it.
             is asserted, is no longer blatant: people nowadays are reluctant to express.
             openly their dislike of and contempt for minorities, indeed are not.
             prepared to express publicly a sentiment that could be interpretted as.
             racist. Racism, it is said, is subtle: it is disguised, kept out of sight".
             (Enrlich 73) "The suggestion that there is a new racism--a racism that has.
             a new strength precisely because it doesn't appear to be racism--deserves.
             serious consideration" (Piazza 66). Avoiding minorities on the street and.
             denial of a public benefit to a minority which would be awarded to a white.
             are examples of covert racism. "Since it is no longer politically correct.
             to openly express one's racist views, people therefore favor disguised,.
             indirect ways to express their bigotry" (Piazza 68). Covert racism is the.
             most abundant form of racism in our society today.
             What causes racism? Unfortunately, the answer is much longer and detailed.
             than the question. The three main causes for racism are: racism has become.
             part of our heritage, right-wing racial and political groups, and pride in.
             one's own race.
             Practically since the dawn of man's existence man has undoubtedly noticed.
             differences between races. "Racism's presence throughout the formation of.
             our culture is quite evident" (Tucker 17). Frequently throughout history.
             the ethnic group with the most power has assumed that its race and culture.
             are superior to others. The same incident even occurred in America with.
             the introduction of slaves. Throughout American history, racism has been.
             strongly prevalent. "Racism's roots lie deep within the foundation of our.
             society" (Tucker 19). These roots undoubtedly are the source for a great.
             many of the racist groups and covert racism ideas found throughout our.

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