broken. They had one the war, but lost many. Death was a rare thing for the.
people of Hithlorien to see, and the after effects even greater. Upon her.
return to the woodland city, Lysandra learned of the fall of her love and .
spent many a night weaping in despair. Over time she grew to accept the things.
that are, and cannot be. Adrerrarien inspired her to move on and appreciate.
the life that remains. She knew in her heart that Haldir would live on, and.
that gave her the strenght to continue as she once had. Though she knew that.
Hithlorien would never be the same without that which she had lost. The time.
had come for her to venture out once again and perhaps inspire those in .
broken villages, perhaps teaching what she had once been taught to those in.
need. She instilled in Adrerrarien the thought of adventure, how once again.
they may journey out and see the distant lands. Their place had lain somewhere.
beyond the woods of Hithlorien, in finding some good in the outer realms. .
And so they travelled west, into the valleys and forests of Aackranon. Along.
the way meeting the strangest of folk. Finally coming upon the city of Mekali,.
a place inhabited by both Elven and Human kind alike. Lysandra and Adrerrarien .
had decided to settle for a time, offering their knowledge and skill to the land. .
It had reminded them much of their homeland, yet with a few great differences. .
As years passed, it began to feel much like home. Though something soon happened .
that Lysandra did not expect. While on leisure at a local tavern, a drifter passed .
through that would change her life greatly. He bore the garb of the Hithlorien.
army, his face hidden behind a long, green cloak. She approached him calmly and.
attempted to engage him in light conversation. As he drew back the hood on his .
cloak, his beautiful silvery white hair glistened in the light. His features were.
fair and quite attractive. She looked at him for a moment and suddenly felt a warm.