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Another reason this tale has been told for hundreds of years because this story energizes us because it deals with the science fiction of genetic engineering were questions are asked such as: How much is too much in science? Just because we can do something, does that mean we should do it? Another film that raises these questions is Gattaca, which deals with a society 100 years from now with unrestricted genetic science
             This story is about a group of scientists who are trying to develop the perfect human child without any defects or diseases. Roger Ebert from the Chicago Sun-Times reviewed this movie and said ""At a time when we read about cloned sheep and tomatoes crossed with fish, the science in "Gattaca'' is theoretically possible. When parents can order "perfect'' babies, will they? Would you take your chances on a throw of the genetic dice, or order up the make and model you wanted?"" Is human genetic engineering one of those areas where scientists have gone too far or might be going in that direction? There is so many questions unanswered but only time will tell how this advance in science will end. This controversial topic is one of the reasons why the story of Frankenstein was so ground breaking, at the time of the book was released where society actually thought that scientists were on the verge of creating life from the dead. .
             This fear of the unknown about engineering humans beings in a "god like" way is the main reason the story of Frankenstein has been around for so many years. This novel was first published in 1818 but since then many versions have been adapted in various forms. There are various film versions available from the 1930's from The Bride of Frankenstein to Frankenstein meets the Wolfman to most recently in 1994 when Mary Shelly's version was finally created on the silver screen.
             The reason the tale of Frankenstein is popular because the fact that people love to be scared.

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