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Analysis of John Donne

             poses, such as the literary posturing of courtly love poets by offering more realistic.
             visions of the relationship between men and women and by applying ingenous.
             scholastic subtleties to the analysis of the emotions of lovers.
             The courtly love poet always expresses the same experience of love, the range of.
             situations and emotions dealt with being very limited. In contrast Donne expresses.
             an enormously wide range of feelings in his Songs and Sonnets, all relating to the.
             experience of real love, but varying from the heights of ecstasy to the depths of.
             despair, from cynical wit, through imprudent jocularity to genuine passion.
             The poems are entertainingly coarse and deliberately iconoclastic. Immediate and.
             colloquial, they over a wide range of depth and feeling. The variety of feeling lends.
             Donne's poetry much of its impact, for we seem to be reading an individual's.
             personal experience of love, and not just a poet's contribution to a long-standing.
             tradition of poetic love.
             They are difficult, -witty performances, showing the effect of s wide reading a.
             scholastic training, using strong moral arguments for amoral suggestions.
             In these poems, we are also confronted by the immemorial war between the body.
             and the soul, strained through a subtle intelligence and a sensitive spirit. The.
             -metaphysical style seems the natural vehicle for expressing a sense of the tensions.
             between matter and spirit, faith and reason, between comfortable Aristotelian.
             cosmology and disturbing -new philosophy, an inheritance from a century of.
             theological, philosophical and political wrangling.
             Donne belonged to the philosophy of thought called -Platonism, in which the.
             superiority of intellectual and spiritual relationships to mere involvement of the sense.
             is stressed. However, he also saw the necessity of realising that love is a personal,.
             not merely spiritual relationship.ഊDonne also employed the use of macrocosms and microcosms.

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