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Analysis of John Donne

It is unknown when he.
             became an apostasy, yet several poems show evidence, through spiritual and.
             theological conflicts. Religious allegiances, theological disputes filled s life.
             Two years later, the greatest tragedy and permanent sorrow of his life was the death.
             of his wife, Ann More. In 1621 Donne was made Dean of St. s, in which he.
             composed and preached many of the columinous sermons he left behind. All in all,.
             Donne had a wide fund of academic learning that he drew upon in the creation of his.
             There is an incredible scope of range, intensity an ingenuity in s poetry, as he.
             struggles between the spiritual and bodily impulses of man. Donne is a philosopher,.
             not merely a commentator, that is Donne not only acknowledges difficult thought, he.
             articulates it, in his own fierce desire to understand.
             His tone is personal and he speaks earnestly and directly, exploring a full range of.
             emotions. This colloquial tone gives a sense of immediacy to the poems. This.
             dramatic quality is enhanced by his consistent use of first person and conversational.
             tone. However, note that the tone changes throughout many of his poems. A subtle.
             balance is often established between crudity and subtlety, sadness and happiness,.
             the physical and the spiritual.
             The sense of urgency and immediacy, emphasised by controlled concentration of.
             argument, makes demands on the reader to follow complex argument expressed in.
             either compressed or extended conceits. In s poetry we find passion.
             juxtaposed with intellect. He was not interested in the conventional modes of.
             address, instead seeing the potential of language and thought.
             The "of his poetry reflects a tough reasoning mind attempting to pinpoint.
             and show emotions as frankly as possible: the unhappiness of parting, death,.
             disloyalty and unfulfilled love. Donne had a habitual tendency to sublimate sense or.
             feeling above formal metre.
             s imagery is, broadly speaking eclectic (wide-ranging).

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