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Immigration RAM

The state boarders need to be protected not only with physical guards but with stricter entry standards to protect the whole of the population against possible threat.
             This interest is extremely important to the core interest of the state. Current immigration policies lend for easy access into the United States allowing for anyone to find many possible ways into the country. By having loose policies which allow for anyone to enter the country, tourists, students, workers, terrorists, the security of the state is in danger. The core national interest to be thought of in this statement is as follows; the physical survival and safety of the United States, national security narrowly defined. .
             Set in this context, this intermediate interest can be considered an A-level interest as it is too easy for anyone to enter into the country with visas. The risk of allowing possible threats into the country, which might lead to events such as September 11th, is great enough to bring this concern to A-level. As more people are allowed into the country, the human development of the American population, which includes economic well-being of the United States is also tested. As the population grows, the economic well being of the state is pushed.
             The goal of adjusting the immigration policies is important to the population of the state. It is extremely important for the INS to watch those who enter into our state, restrict their time, prevent them from extending their visas. National security is incredibly important, and by having loose immigration policies, we put our national security at great risk. September 11th is a prime example of this. Economic well-being and physical security is important to every member of the population.
             III. Options.
             A. Stopping immigration into the United States altogether until all possible threats have ceased to exist. This would include all workers, students and visitors until the possibility of threat from outside forces stops and we are no longer under serious threat.

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