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World War Web

These soldiers may not have guns and bombs, but boy do they still do a lot of damage. With very little "training- these hackers can be very deadly and are very dangerous. .
             Hackers don't need tanks, planes or submarines to fight in this war instead they need a computer, which acts as a passport in order to access the world wide web. It isn't that easy to become a hacker, as it does require a great deal of knowledge in how to program. However, everyday it is becoming easier to hack as many pirated programs are being made in order to help beginners in their quest to become great hackers. Nowadays it is as easy as typing what you want to do in a search engine and many of the websites that appear will involve tutorials, programs and assistance in your hacking needs. An example of a popular hacker program is called the "Email Bomb,"" which you can find simply by typing "bombz-, "warez- or "appz- into a search engine. What this program does is it sends thousands of emails to your e-mailbox, so every time you go to check your email your computer crashes from a memory overload. This is just one of the many tools hackers use to harass the everyday user of the internet. .
             Different types of hackers learn to hack with a different aim in mind. Some just focus on harassment of others where they can flood their emails, send them threatening messages or just play around with another person's computer. An example of this type of hacking is the most common for beginner hackers. With a simple program you can open and close another persons CD-Rom drive and restart their computer with a click of a mouse. This type of hacking also involves viruses, which sometimes no matter how many anti-virus programs or how good they are you can still get them. All the time hackers are creating more of these viruses and finding easier way to get them. A modern virus, which is circulating a round, is an email virus. This is a virus you can get just by opening an email or downloading an attachment.

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