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The Hazard of Alcohol Drinking

             Although alcohol drinking is believed to be a good way of socialization, it can cause severe problems for both individuals and society such as unhealthiness, shortage of money and road accidents.
             While certain quantity of alcohol beverages can stimulate appetite, overconsumption of alcohol is bad for health. Alcohol drinks is a cause of ailments such as nervous system damages and cirrhosis. Moreover, alcohol drinking fastens aging process. Besides looking far older than their real age, heavy-drinkers can be alcoholics. That means they are addicted to alcohol drinking and this is not only a signal of physical unhealthiness but also mental unhealthiness. .
             Compared to the price of other necessary things in daily life, paying for liquors can be a waste of money since it is unnecessary and the price is expensive. Besides paying for necessary things such as food, clothing and medication, drinkers have more expenses on alcohol cost. This may cause financial shortage and debts. .
             Besides individual problems, alcohol drinking can cause road accidents, conflicts and serious crimes. When drunk people having only partial consciousness drive, sometimes at the breakneck speed, accidents can happen readily. This is the loss of properties as well as lives: both drunks and embroiled innocent victims. Nevertheless, without controllable self-consciousness, they can be easily irritated. This can cause conflicts as well as serious crimes, for example, fighting, abuse and murder. .
             Alcohol drinking is personal preference, however it is harmful not only for individuals but also society since both physical and mental sickness, unstable financial status, and the loss of properties and lives are unwanted. .

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