"". Algernon's butler, Lane, also made a foolish decision as can be seen from his response to one of Algernon's question, "I have only been married once. That was in consequence a misunderstanding between myself and a young person,"" pg. 632. These kinds of marriages still happen today. Many people are getting married for the wrong reasons. It is not about love anymore, it is more about the money then anything else. Money is everything, it can make a marriage work or it can crush it. People usually look at the other person's financial situation because they want to live the live their friends usually can not. Everyone has dreams, something they want experience, and money can do that. Most of the time, money outweighs age. Too often one can see an old millionaire with a nice looking twenty five year old wife. .
The next theme that people can associate with today's world is the acts and reputation of society. In the play, and in the society, people only married within their classes because marriage to a lower class would be frowned upon. Jack is egger to marry Gwendolen, but her mother, Lady Bracknell, will not let her because Jack is not up to her social standards. For example, Lady Bracknell despises Jack because he is an orphan, she makes a very absurd remark while interviewing him to see if he is qualified enough to take her daughter's hand in marriage. "To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness. Who was your father? He was evidently a man of some wealth. Was he born in what the Radical papers call the purple of commerce, or did he rise from the ranks of the aristocracy?-. Things like that should not matter, but Lady Bracknell cares because she does not want her daughter to marry someone that is not in good standings with society. Everything in this play is about looks, not about the reality of things. As long as something can look good, the other thing will fall in place.