It can range from something .
as simple as revenge to a more complicated reason as a physiological problem. .
Serial killers have their own choice of victims as well. They often choose .
victims that are weaker than themselves. Most target women or children. Ted .
Bundy murdered college-aged women with long brown hair. David Berkowitz, .
wasn't as particular. He just hated women in general. He blamed them for .
everything bad that has ever happened in this world. John Wayne Gacy killed .
young men. Some of his victims where employees of his. Gacy ran a small .
construction business out of his home. He is quoted as to calling them .
"Worthless little queers and punks " ( Quoted in What Makes 2). Richard .
Ramirez's victims included the elderly, the young, men, and women. He did .
really have much of a preference. He just liked to kill. Ed Kemper, killed .
college-aged girls. Albert Fish preferred children. He once kidnapped the 12-.
year-old daughter of acquaintances of his ( Crime Library ). Jeffrey Dahmer .
killed homosexual men. The Killers often choose victims who are vulnerable ( .
What Makes 5). They sometimes pick up prostitutes, runaways, and people .
who are easy to follow. A killer will usually stalk his victim and plan out the .
right time to grab them. They will wait until the victim is alone and then they .
move in for the kill. With children, it is easier because they don't give much of .
a struggle. However, most killers target people who are a older. They prefer .
people in their late teens to their mid-twenties. .
Serial killers use certain methods to kill their victims. Some like to use .
guns. Others like to strangle their victims so that they can watch the lives of the .
victims slowly leave their bodies. Another weapon of choice is a knife. They .
will stab their victims repeatedly. Sometimes they stab them until they die, or .
until the point where they are barely alive but alive enough to still feel the pain. .
Some killers like to have intercourse with their victims as well.