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As being Japanese, Kabuo has been placed under a very unpleasant circumstance. The evidences founded had lead the investigator, Sheriff Art Moran to believe that Kabuo was somehow suspicious. Together with the judgement made by the coroner of the wound on the victim's head, which was predominantly affected by his racist thought toward Japanese. The coroner had pointed out that the wound is caused by some Japanese martial art, Kendo, merely because a narrow, flat object causes the wound. As because of the coroner's inaccurate judgement, it had worsened Kabuo situation in the trail. Now that all the evidences had turned against Kabuo, it has made others to focus mainly on Kabuo, and think that he is behind of all this. Later on, abroad Kabuo's ship Art Moran n the mooring rope and fishing gaff with the victim's blood on it. With all those evidences it would have proven Kabuo to be the murderer, but new evidences came into existences to overturn the entire situation and twisted the case as of being an accident rather than a first degree murder case. If it wasn't for prejudice this trail would never has gone so far or would never had happened in the first place.
             The internment of Kabuo, Hatsue and the rest of their family are mainly because the U.S governments are being racist toward Japanese. They government did not trust the Japanese because they feared that among them were spies, even thou they swore to be loyalty to the U.S. Some of them even stand up to fight for the U.S against their home country to demonstrated their loyalty, because they believed that they are America and no longer consider as Japanese. But the U.S took no consideration on whether they are loyal or not and placed them into internment camp for safety purpose. I believed that it's not necessary to have internment camps, it is basically useless and a waste of money and time, because if the Japanese were to have spies, they wouldn't be that stupid to have a Japanese to responsible for such a task.

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