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Teenagers and Cellphones

In the interview I had with Mrs. Fisher she stated that, "Drugs corresponding with cell phones used to be the worry years ago, but not anymore." If someone wants to get drugs they aren't going to rely on a cell phone to get it. People will get drugs no matter what, with a cell phone, or without. Third, yes the phone can be a disruption to others, but not if you keep it in your pocket or purse out of sight to others. Fourth, the phone could be stolen and I realize that the office doesn't want to deal with it but if you look on the rule sheet it states that they will not be responsible for stolen cell phones so right there people know right away that if they want to carry their phone on them they are responsible for it, not the office. The main concern of cell phones on campus is the disruption to the teacher and class and the fact that they think you should be at school for learning not talking on the phone and that the 6 hours your at school you should not be reachable.
             WRONG!!!!!!!! Lets take Columbine shooting as one good example. When that shooting occurred the kids were all over the school in different places at different times. The parents were watching T.V. praying to god that their son or daughter or even both were still alive. If they were aloud to have phones on them at that time then they could have just made a simple call home and say mom, dad, I"m ok that's all it would have taken so that the parents knew where their own kids were. Unless you are eighteen then your mom and dad are in charge of you and have control and say so over you and parents have the right to know where their kids are at all times. Ever since that incident the kids all over the state of Colorado are now aloud to carry cell phones on them at all times in school, or out. Teens are scared that the same thing could happen to them at their own school and cell phones are used for security. In addition to school shootings comes the whole September 11 incident.

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