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             sexual harassment, and the corresponding increase of business in the pornography.
             industry, pornography is definitely a cause of violence. Pornographic material.
             encourages impractical desires in men that can lead to violent behavior toward women.
             The Department of Justice estimates one in three females, and one in seven.
             males, will be sexually molested by age eighteen. Pedophiles use pornography to.
             stimulate themselves, to lower the restraint their victims, and to teach the children.
             what to do during a sexual encounter. In a ten year study, the Sexually Exploited Child.
             Unit of the Los Angeles Police Department found adult and child pornography was.
             reportedly used in over 87% of all their child molestation cases (Bart 217- 30). As it is.
             evident the uses for viewing pornography varies, and these uses have led to increase.
             violence at it is mentioned by the LAPD.
             Bill Marshall, psychology professor at Queen's University and director of a.
             sexual behavior clinic in Kingston, interviewed one-hundred and twenty men, between.
             the years 1980 and 1985, who had molested children. In his conclusion he found that.
             pornography appeared to be a significant factor in the chain of events leading up to a.
             deviant act in 25% of these cases (Nicols 60). .
             The study done by Monica D. Weisz and Christopher M. Earls used.
             eighty-seven males who were randomly shown one of four films, for a study on how.
             they would react to questions about sexual violence and offenders after watching. Out.
             of this study the males were more acceptable of violence and were more attracted to.
             sexual aggression. These same males were less sympathetic to rape victims and were.
             noted less likely to find a defendant guilty of rape (71). The four movies that were.
             used in the study are mainstreamed R-rated films. If a mainstream movie can cause.
             this kind of distortion of value and morality, then it should become evident that.
             continuous viewing of pornographic films depicting violent sex and aggression could.

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