Ceremonial dances are made to the spirits of the dead in order that they will reciprocate by sending rain.
In various religious ceremonies Hopi men will dress up in costumes and painted masks to represent the Kachinas, or spirits of nature, with the purpose of asking the Kachinas to assist the growth of crops and to send rain. In the course of these ceremonies the masked dancers become identified with the spirits they represent.
Apache Religion.
Six separate Apache tribes ranged over the American southwest. Their religion centred on the conception of a supernatural power that manifested itself in almost every facet of the Apache world. .
They believe that they can develop a healthy and cooperative relationship with this power. The power is believed to offer its services to the Apache through visionary experiences. .
In shamanistic ceremonies, the practitioner interacts with his particular power alone. But other rituals require a priest to officiate. Both shamanistic and priestly rituals are patterned. Four is the sacred number; songs and prayers occurred in quartets. The ceremonial circuit moves clockwise. And rites last four successive nights. .
Pueblo Religion.
The Pueblos believe life began within the Earth, who used her resources, particularly the corn plant, to sustain them for centuries. Their symbiotic relationship with Earth and corn is symbolized by religious ceremonies connected to the life cycle of corn, ceremonies that plead for rain and fertility in their desert environment. In fact, religion and ceremonies permeate into every aspect of Pueblo life, because through obedience to the gods, the Pueblo can ensure a balance of fertility, hunting, weather, and pleasure. .
Pueblo religion demands a harmonious relationship and balance between humankind and the cosmos. Religious ceremonies are an essential part of life. If performed properly, they will assure rain, good crops, health, and the general well being of the people.