Author John Steinbeck sends a serious message to readers in his novel The Grapes of Wrath. He says that society must take a look at the past to reveal valuable lessons to be learned about the future. If society does not recognize the mistakes of the past, then society can be liable to repeat these mistakes in the future. This is a very important message and still applies to the world of today. For example, the issue on gun control is considered controversial despite the fact that society should have learned a lesson pertaining to the issue long ago.
There are many controversial issues regarding gun control. Most pro and anti gun control groups have input on this controversial issue. Many issues pertain to more strict gun control as well as less strict control. Many times, a group is split down the middle when deciding on issues such as trigger locks. Perhaps this is what makes gun control so controversial. Other issues, such as underage firearm use are less impartial yet are constantly argued over nonetheless. Illegal guns are also argued over constantly. The bigger issues, though, are those of pro and anti gun control. These issues make up the majority of controversies pertaining to firearms despite the broadness of the topic. According to author Helen Strahinich, people who are pro-gun control argue that congress should pass a law requiring a seven day waiting period so that authorities can do a background check (39). Anti-.
gun control groups would oppose, saying that criminals will steal guns if they cannot buy them. A waiting period will only keep guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens (39). Gun control groups bring up issues like this all the time. Every time someone comes up with a rebuttal, new information and new issues are brought up. Another issue Strahinich brings up is about death from guns. Author Strahinich argues the pro side by saying, "Rifles or shotguns? Fine. They"re sports guns.