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             communities that are more traditional and agrarian. Despite the legal prohibitons, Israeli.
             Bedouin, who are Muslims, continute to practice polygamy. For the Bedouin, polygamy is.
             " not a reigious issue but and issue of power" said Ginat, who is studying the group's.
             marital patterns. "The more children you have, the more power--and the more honor.".
             Polygamy is practiced openly in Jordan, Isreal, Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Iran, as well as.
             some other Muslim nations of North Africa -- including Egypt, Sudan, Morocco and.
             Algeria. These countries are made of mostly agricultural communities, where the women.
             are responsible for working the fields, while men work with the cattle. Though their.
             numbers are small, not all polygamists are premodern illiterate people. Some are teachers,.
             doctors or other professional men, says Ginat. .
             Some individuals argue in support of polygamy, believing that polygamy is the.
             solution to adultery, allowing a man to fulfill his sexual desires within the law. (Utas, P17).
             And since polygamy is allowed in the Koran, verse 4:3, many in society have grown to.
             agree. Even though monogamy is the norm today, polygamy is supposrted when there is a.
             surplus of women, and then the first wife has a severe illness and is unable to perform er.
             wifely duties. (Utas, P18) In these cases polygamy is found to be the solution in reducing.
             adultery, and keeping a man faithful to himself and the law.
             Comparing to western society, which permits free sex between consenting adults,.
             an abundance of fatherless children have been introduced into the world. These western.
             societies have "artificially created monogamy" and have become a leading factor in.
             "ruining the family structure and the social , economic and political systems" which exist. .
             (III & E) Rather then creating these artificial monogamous societies, some believe it.
             would be beneficial to allow men to marry numerous wives and permit polygamous.
             families to be actualized.

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