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Jilting of Granny Weatherall

She made clothes, put food on the table, and kept them out of.
             trouble. But she was not about to sit back and let her children return the favor. She was the best.
             at what she did and had done it on her own without much help. After living like that for eighty.
             years, she was not going to stop anytime soon. Her irritability on her deathbed was not an.
             attempt to be ornery or aggravating. It was her way of maintaining the spunk that she once had.
             so much of. Whether it be physical or mental strength, Granny has it and uses it. She recalls her.
             days of digging fence post holes on her own. She delivered babies in the middle of winter and.
             spent nights nursing the sick. She could tend and care for whatever or whoever needed it. Why.
             would she need someone to care for her? As her mind slips back into the present, she sees how.
             everyone is trying to take care of her. She resents her children's belief that she could not tend to.
             herself. It was not that Granny did not appreciate the help. After eighty years, she simply saw.
             little need of it. When her husband died she rose to the demands of her own necessities. A major.
             event in Granny's life, began the development of her strength and independence. As the stream.
             of consciousness occurs again, Granny reveals how much of her strength came to be.
             At the age of twenty, Granny was jilted at the alter. George, the man she had written so.
             many letters to and adored, had decided he would be better to go through life without her. .
             Instead of being devastated, Granny realized that she must make the best of it. She found.
             strength and was determined to carry on with her life. She was young and knew that her fiancé's.
             choice could not ruin her life. To her advantage, John, a guest at the wedding, took her and made.
             her his wife. In a matter of weeks, she went from one of the most devastating events in her life to.
             pure happiness. The jilting built a strength she would carry with her for life.

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