A Robot is both automated and intelligent. A robot used in industry does not .
need to resemble a human, normallly those used in industry only need a single human .
type part, the most common part used is the arm. These manipulative arms are used to.
paint anything, simple assembly, or solder electronic components to circuit boards, even .
highly precise lead soldering to the die of the microprocessor. One of the most important .
uses of robotic arms is to release satalites & to grab satalites out of orbit in the space .
shuttle. Testing Labrotories use some of the most interesting types of robotic devices to .
simulate repeditive use of products & test a wide range of products for durability.
One of the most important components in a robotic device is are the sensor units, .
without them the robot would not know where to begin or end. Types of sensors used in .
robotics are video cameras, proximity sensors, and tactactile sensors are used in helping .
a robot to position itself to perform a task and to help in the actual performance of the .
task. Infrared sensors are used to sense the location or presence of objects to be placed .
on pallets; for example. Robotic sensors can even be more highly specialized than ever .
thought possible; in sensing such things as detailed as a specific human voice, a .
individuals eye pattern, or a finger print.
A robot needs to be maneuverable and versatile to the extent to which it has .
an adequate power/drive system to allow it the ability to do something. Objects .
that enable robots to do things are techniquely called, end-effectors. Robots need to .
be versitle in what they do and highly maneuverable to be able to position themselves.
to complete a specific task. .
The power/drive mechinisms of robots use air (pneumatics), liquid (hydrolics),.
Or electricity (motors). The choice basis between for the power/drive units depends on .
the load and the accuracy with which movements are to be effected.