or to give back to the animals. Another example of the destruction of harmony between .
the human and natural world is Noah's control over everyone else. On the ark Noah's .
controlling attitude and disregard for the hierarchy takes root when he separates the .
family by putting himself, Hannah,,Japeth and Shem on the higher level and Mrs Noyes .
,Lucy, Ham and Emma on the lower level with the animals displaying that they are .
worthless except as slaves to him ,which is what Noah thinks of animals(pg210-213).The .
ruffians in this novel symbolizes the breakdown of the patriarchal model and the ultimate .
destruction of humanity and harmony. They were cannibals who took it upon themselves .
to use human flesh as a source of survival "Soon they could not steal unharvested wheat, .
as farmers, more and more set watches against them. It was inevitable .One of their own .
number rebelled. And was killed and eaten. This way, the custom began-.(pg78).This is .
representative of today because we continue to eat out the livestock and only now whey .
there might be an extinction for the children of the future is when we begin to worry .
because it is affecting us .Ironically we are only concerned with the patriarchal model .
because without it we might seize to exist in the near future.
Sacrifice and sanctuary is a huge aspect of the balancing act to create humanity to find .
harmony. Man uses animals for only sacrificial reasons in today's society, not sacrificial .
in relation to god but in ways to benefit our selfish needs. This is where humanity in .
society has deteriorated completely. In today's" civilization animals are used for medical .
research, for clothing or even to showcase on our walls. This show ours non-existent .
concern with how we are destroying the harmony and the bond that humans should have .
with other creations of god. The reality is, as ruffians humans have become victims as a .
result of cruelty of other humans.