The novel Not Wanted On The Voyage, by Timothy Findley creates great .
insight into the world of today, although it is told in reference to the biblical times. Many .
of the events in this novel parallels to our fast pace, morally inept and deteriorating .
society. The concept of giving back to nature and living in harmony with the things .
around us is lost. Findley is suggesting that there should be a balance in the way we uses .
resources in today's society; this is shown with how the patriarchal model with the .
natural and human world is displayed throughout the novel, the idea o f sacrifice and .
how conflicting traditions inhibits us from being able to see the nature of things. This is .
how the disillusion starts of and becomes rooted in man's daily life. .
When god created the universe and everything on it, he put man in control of .
everything and from that point man has taken advantage of the power given to them. .
When god gave man that opportunity he expected them to give back to all creation as .
they took from it. This was the balancing act created in order for humanity to find .
harmony, in order for there to be a balance between the human world and the natural .
world. It is a fact that in today's world there is no concept why man is on top of the .
patriarchal model and what responsibilities comes with that honour. In Not Wanted On .
The Voyage, this is portrayed , Firstly Noah uses his power to abuse others. The animals .
suffer mostly at the hands of Noah's, he uses them only to benefit humanity and does not .
care how it affect those in the natural world. Noah uses Mottyl and her kittens for .
experiments because he can. " Excuse me and thank you. He would say , reaching into .
Mottyl's nest and removing one of her kittens. There was nothing she could do to stop .
him." (pg. 19). Noah abuses his place on the patriarchal model with these experiments. .
The reason why this disrupts humanity and harmony is because he refuses to give respect .