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Florida History

Most recently, he has advanced intelligence community reform legislation in his capacity as chairman of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee. As chairman of the 17-member Senate New Democrats, Graham has helped bring together a coalition that shares his views to work together promoting sound fiscal policy that emphasizes paying down the debt, and social policy that strikes an equitable balance between the needs of all Americans. These moderates have in turn helped shape the debate on issues ranging from trade to education. .
             The 106th Congress approved several major Graham initiatives. Among these was the Ecstasy Anti-Proliferation Act, which directed the U.S. Sentencing Commission to raise the guidelines for trafficking in this dangerous drug. Beginning in May 2001, Ecstasy smugglers will face substantially higher penalties for dealing poisons. The legislation also directs funds for education and outreach to battle what has become a nationwide epidemic. .
             Also in 2000, Graham achieved a milestone in his career-long battle to save America's Everglades with congressional approval of a comprehensive plan to restore the River of Grass. At $7.8 billion, the Everglades restoration is the largest environmental project ever undertaken by the federal government. This comprehensive plan, a partnership with the state of Florida, will restore more than a century of damage done to this unique ecosystem. .
             The 107th Congress promises to be equally fruitful. .
             As chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Graham helps oversee our nation's intelligence agencies. He is the primary mover behind Counterintelligence 21, which President Clinton signed in December 2000 and the Bush administration has pledged to continue. This initiative is a far-reaching, methodical approach to identifying the most sensitive information in our government and then safeguarding that information. Senator Graham has also taken the lead in reforming and improving our intelligence community's efforts in counter-terrorism.

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