In contrast to the convention-defying rebelliousness that piercing, tattooing and other body manipulations signify in contemporary Western industrialized society, body ornamentation among traditional, non-Western people is an expression of the culture" mainstream cultural and religious values. Ornamentation is performed with much ritual ceremony, under specific conditions, after much preparation, and with strict observation of taboos. For example, Ba Thonga women are tattooed to when they reach puberty, to signify their fertility and eligibility for marriage. The tattoos are done on the shoulders and stomach, and the women prepare by eating a special diet to get the stomach soft and more susceptible to tattooing. After receiving their tattoos, women are sequestered for a period of seven days to heal, and also for the protection of the village. Women's ability to give birth is revered as sacred by the Ba Thonga people, and they believe that for anyone to see a woman before her tattoos have healed would endanger the life source of the village. .
Tattooing is widely practiced among the peoples of the South Pacific. In fact, the word tattoo comes from the Tahitian word tatu, which means "to strike" (The"voz, 1984, p. 39). The appropriateness of this term becomes apparent when considering the Maori tattoo known as the "moko," which is applied using a mallet and a sharp blade or chisel to make cuts 1/8-inch deep in the skin. The moko is usually done on the face, but may be applied to other parts of the body. Because of the extreme pain involved, those who undergo the moko are accorded great respect for their bravery and strength of will. For these reasons, the moko is especially associated with leadership, and is honored as an emblem of rank and spirituality. .
The moko operation itself is considered a sacred rite, and those who receive the tattoo are considered sacred, or "taboo," and are kept in seclusion to avoid contact with "noa" (common people or things) until their wounds heal (Hambly, 1925, p.