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Slaves of the 20th and 21st

What actually goes on behind the scenes on these fields and in the camps? Who fights for laws and sanctions to increase the wages these workers make? That is what people do not know and this is why these people are treated like slaves and not as human beings.
             Hofmeister 2.
             The life of a migrant worker is not a life that involves nice cars or large houses, but rather a life that includes traveling from one location to another in order to make ends meet. To be a migrant worker is to perpetually search for work; to search for another job that will help feed the family one more day, one more week (Rodriguez 26) . As Rodriguez says, this is a life of movement. Because of constant movement and low pay, children have to help. With the children, helping there will be times when they will not be able to attend school, and this process continues throughout their childhood. Besides the fact that these children miss out on their childhood, they also will not be able to find a job later on in life because they are not able to attend school regularly and due to this, all they know is field work. As the seasons change, a child changes as well. A child may go to one school while certain crops are picked and move to other schools as the time arrives to pick others. A migrant workers family soon develops a routine that many know today: packing and moving, searching for work, and studying repeated lessons in school due to the moving (27). .
             As stated by Rodriguez, migrant workers are people who move from location to location. Some work within a certain state while some others work alongside their crews as they travel from one state to another (165). However, migrant workers follow certain patterns as to the direction they move from. Usually the workers move northward from the South, picking the ripe crops for harvest along the way moving to other fields and then work. This may vary due to adverse weather changes and seasons, but for the most part, it is the same (Heaps 170).

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