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             Money plays a big role in our lives. It's needed for just about everything. Without the people trusting the government money would not exist. There has to be trust these days with the money we use which is fiat because without fiat money we would have to use commodity such as gold and silver. With fiat money there is nothing to back it up. Once the money is gone, it's gone. Unlike commodity money, which is not in use anymore, that would have something to back it up. If there were a lot of money to come up missing somewhere it would be ok because with commodity there would be gold or silver to replace the missing money. .
             All of our money first comes from the U.S. Mint, then distributed around the country. A lot of people want to know how can we get more money? There are many ways to get more money, but some are easier then others. Some people are lucky enough to win a little or even a lot of money from playing the lottery. Others may just inherit the money from a family member or even a friend. Most people though have to work and earn their money. Earning money is like a trading game. You the employee put in your time and work in exchange for money. The amount of money you make is determined by how you work or how smart you work.
             When you have money you should always think of investing it. Investing your money can help you but also hurt you. If you plan on investing long term you will have more choices on where to put your money. You can afford to play the market. If you plan on short-term investments you will have to be more cautious. You take a risk when investing your money in the stock market though because one day the market can be doing very well then all of a sudden they can go down and so will your money with it. Banking, another way to invest, as in a C.D. is safer but you make less money due to less interest percentages. .

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