"Make love, not war" comes into effect with Anne. In 1961, she marrys Stan in Texas and moves to California to join the society's war with the young, the bold and the world. JFK becomes number 35 for the presidency and also is marked as the first catholic to serve in office. .
West Side Story gets Anne's attention as do Academy Award Judgement at Nuremberg. Her literary interests are on a high rise with all the things that authors are starting to write about. She makes herself go to Berkeley. With songs like "Moon River" out there talking about dreams and love of the heart Anne follows her dreams. .
In the same twist of fait, the Freedom Riders" are organized to know fight the on going battle of black vs. white. So far, all Anne has done is grow up and get married. A war ends and another is soon to begin. Some of the most knowledgeable plays and writings are made and some of the fights have just begun and Anne is only of the age of twenty. .
1966, the light of her life is born. Michele Rice. Funny how two of man made work is up for the world to see. Van Gogh's portraits of Ravoux Sola at Chiristie's of London are sold for 150000 guineas. Then it was 441000 American dollars. The population in the US was only 195,827,000 and pollution wasn't even a word or a thought in Anne's mind. Color TV gets everyone's attention and there were only 78 million passenger cars and 16 million trucks and buses registered. It was a good year for the Rices". But everything must have its ups and downs. .
IT is said that life will go on no matter the hardships that we endure. That God only puts out what he thinks that we can handle. In April of 1970, Apollo 13 has the famous " Houston, We have a Problem!" And that was the end of Anne's good luck for awhile. She was Award the JOSEPH HEBERY AWARDS for a piece of her college writing. For in 1972 Michele dies of Leukemia in California tearing Anne's heart into piece leaving all the pain and misery that was around as invited guess for her soul.