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dual facet of liberalism

Smith's writing were designed to attack mercantilism, arguing instead thatthe economy works best when left alone? (Heywood pg52, 1998). The market, according to Smith, isa self-regulating mechanism? and should be free from government interference, because it is managed by what Smith was referred to asan invisible hand? (Heywood pg53, 1998), for example businesses, if wanting to make a profit ,will be guided towards producing a product that consumers are willing to buy. The high point of free market beliefs was reached with the doctrine oflaissez fairre?, meaningto leave to be?, the idea that the state actually has no involvement in the economy (Heywood pg53, 1998). By the 20th late century, faith in the free market had been revived by both theReagen administration in the US? and theThatcher and Major governments in the UK? who sought, using liberal rhetoric, to release thedead hand? of government from the economy, allowing the natural vigour of the economy to assert itself. (Heywood pg54, 1998).
             One of the distinctive features of classical liberalism is its attitudes towards poverty and social equality. Individuals make what they want, and what they can, of their lives, with the free market allowing individuals to pursue their own interests, liberalism's belief in the individual will explain social circumstances in terms of thethe hardwork and talent of each individual human being? (Heywood pg54, 1998). This was further expressed by the maximHeaven helps those who help themselves? in Samuel Smiles? book, Self Help (1859) (Heywood pg54, 1998). Ideas of self reliance reached their boldest expression in Herbert Spencer's The Man versus the State ([1840] 1940). In the book Herbert Spencer defended the doctrine of laissez fairre, drawing upon ideas from Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species([1859] 1972). Spencer argued that aprocess of natural selection also exists within human society?, characterised by the Darwinian principle ofsurvival of the fittest? (Heywood pg 55, 1998).

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