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             This study was conducted in India, China, Australia, Singapore and Indonesia. And the answers ranged from " its cool to have one!" to " with a cell phone its easy for my parents to keep track of what I am up to." Most of the youth preferred to have a blue coloured mobile phones. Answers to the last two questions varied from --- they would like have internet on mobile phones to, that the phones should be as small as a micro-chip. .
             Another technique adopted by Nokia to catch the pulse of their target audience is the Diary system. Diaries are sent to the hot potentials in which they record: .
             (1) Details about themselves, who they are, where they live, .
             (2) What brands they like.
             (3) What commercials they like .
             (4) What phones they aspire to have .
             (5) Even the kind of music they listen to .
             The aim of this exercise is to give a unique insight into their actual life styles and how they view the world. .
             The details gleaned through their various research processes, enables Nokia to figure out: .
             The level of technological awareness among the youth .
             Their thirst for information and quest for discovery .
             The fact that the youth are at a very difficult stage-adolescence and self reliance at a time, when society as a whole is also in social transition away from traditional values .
             They seek to be recognised as individuals but are comforted in their belonging to their generation .
             Their marketing literacy is higher than generations that have preceded them .
             According to Hanlon, technology is encouraging a new era of creativity and individuality, "where you cannot tell the youth anything, you've got to address them in a way that they find it out themselves.'' The youth of today prefer to find out rather than be told what to do. They want to discover and learn things on their own and will appreciate brands that aid them to do so." .
             Quoting Mary Slayton, the Global Director of Consumer Insights, Nike, Hanlon said "Some twenty years ago, television drove homogenity among the baby boomers in the same way the Internet is driving global diversity amongst Generation Y.

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