These Africans were brought in and sold to the colonists in order to be their slaves. As slaves, they were forced to work long hours in the tobacco fields with no profits or freedom. Their sole purpose for having been brought in by colonists was a direct cause of an already thriving economy, in need of slaves to do the merciless work in the fields. Slavery indeed would help even further boost America's new found economy until the American Revolution.
Up until the time America gained freedom from England, colonists had a prosperous economy based on their tobacco exports. However, as soon as America won its independence from England, the economy became greatly devastated. Previously, American traders did most of their importing and exporting with England. However, now England felt that if America wanted its complete freedom, they must not need them to export tobacco too; and therefore cut off all importing and exporting with America. This greatly affected Virginia tobacco planters as their British markets were now gone, and they had very little demand for their good. Problems also arose with inflated prices throughout the economy. Taxes saw a large boom leaving enormous amounts of people in vast debt. One anguished soul complained that taxes took nearly one-third of the inhabitants? incomes. People of modest means argued that taxes should be payable in depreciated paper money or government securities. Lacking the hard money that the state required for paying taxes, they faced property foreclosures? (Nash, 168). Because of this, many people argued that there should be a just price on market goods, fair to both the buyer and seller. In Massachusetts, a bushel of corn that sold for less than a dollar in 1777 went for nearly $80 two years later? (Nash, 169). However, these attempts only created a lack of incentive to work, which was the primary part of wealth in America; and miserably failed.