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            I believe that the government cannot intervene to forbid such practices in these states, because the Constitution does not state that the states couldn't do it. The government does not have the power to take away the states right. If it doesn't state that the government can intervene with a state decision, then the state can do whatever it wants. Unless, the government tries to bribe them to change there ways. For example, if the government said that the state wasn't going to get 10 million in federal funds unless the state forbids prostitution and marijuana. Of course the state would stop permitting prostitution and marijuana and take the 10 million in federal funds.
             It states in the 10 Amendment any power not given to the national government is then reserved to the states. Which means if there is no statement about forbidding usage of marijuana, then Alaska is free to do whatever. The national government cannot stop Alaska for permitting marijuana. If the states believe permitting marijuana is the right thing, then the state will stand by its decision. .
             In my opinion, I believe permitting marijuana to try to cure certain diseases is a good thing. I believe if a drug had potential in curing any disease then we should allow it or try it. At least we are trying to make a difference. Instead of us just sitting there and watching people die. The bad side of the situation of the drug is that it does have side affects and people can get addicted. There are two sides of the usage of the drug. I still think it is a good idea and we should allow it.
             The state of Nevada should not allow prostitution. I think that is wrong and unethical. The prostitutes could be carrying a disease and infecting everyone. That type ofbusiness? can plague the whole state. I believe the government should have the right to stop prostitution. The government should have some say so about prostitution. .
             A state law passed in 1971 makes prostitution illegal in counties with populations exceeding 250,00.

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