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personal growth

After figuring that out, it is easier to understand what type of people can relate to you. During the first lecture, professor Oneal made the class write down five things they liked about themselves. I wrote down that I liked the fact that I'm friendly, caring, artistic, highly social and I possess strong family ties. After that exercise, I realized that those were the qualities I look for in all friends. It feels as if it is a prerequisite to know oneself before you can know others. .
             An important concept I?ve learned from this course was the idea that believing in yourself can succeed in a particular task or activity. I?ve always had self-efficacy (Hanna 37), it's just that I never knew of it through that term. People would call me optimistic. In reality they were just being pessimistic. I'm glad that I wouldn't let people make me believe that I'm not able to do things in my life. Confidence plays a big role in this idea. At times, my confidence would be very low through my realistic outlook on life. Then suddenly, my optimistic mind would kick in and I would suddenly know that things would happen in my favor. Many can call it hope?I just call it positive out looking on life. I try my best to see the brighter side of things and try to be confident with myself. .
             Although there are many positive things that I have discovered about myself, I have discovered some very negative characteristics about myself. After heading Person to Person, I?ve realized that my self-verification is poor (Hanna 30). Usually I tend to think that I am not of handsome appearance. My girlfriend gives me a hard time about this. She thinks I look great. I think she looks fabulous. It's terrible that I think of myself this way. I guess I can come to the realization that I'm really not that terrible, I guess you can say that I don't want to come off as a cocky, vanity stricken male. In reality, I should just learn to accept my self for who I am and not think of myself so negatively.

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