, says, "We must not produce clones'to provide transportable organs (their genetic code would minimize organ rejection)." Those in favor of this say this is a good way to solve this issue. However, the millions of dollars that is going towards cloning should be used to find a cure for dreadful diseases such as aids, cancer, ebola, and hepatitus. Although scientist have made triumphant discoveries in the area of cloning, there are many consequences to playing God. Human cloning is unethical because the law of the universe will be changed and the world's population will increase. .
Although many people think cloning is a complicated process, it is actually a very simple concept. An experimental technique has been developed for cloning certain higher animals. This process involves destroying the nucleus of an egg cell of the species to be cloned. The nucleus is removed from a body cell of an animal of the same species. The donor nucleus is injected into the egg cell. The egg, with its new nucleus, develops into an animal that has the same genetic make-up as the donor. If a number of eggs receive transplants from the same donor, the resulting offspring forms a clone (Robinson).
Richard Seed, a scientist who graduated cum laude from Harvard in 1953 has publicized the idea that he can turn the cloning process around to clone humans and not animals (Nash). Seed grew up in the suburbs of Chicago in Oak Park. He says he was the most unpopular kid in his high school. When asked why he replied, "The same reason I'm unpopular now. I was loquacious, overly intelligent, [and] well educated. I knew too much about too many things, and that angered other people" (Nash). Contrary to the popular belief that cloning humans is immoral and unethical, Seed sees nothing wrong with it. He believes that man will develop the technology, science, and capability to have an indefinite life span. He is trying to raise money for a clinic that would begin cloning human babies for infertile couples before the U.