When the numbers of a group so increased that they could not obtain sufficient food within their accustomed range in bad as well as good seasons, some took off to live around another water area. This separating process was repeated until all of Australia was occupied .
Aborigines achieve spirituality through a system of mythology and rutual known as Totemism. A persons Totem denotes the particular animal, plant or object to which he stands in a special relationship. They believe and maintain a strong genealogical relationship between people and species of plants and animals . Their task through ritual is to cherish the myths, chants and ritual, the sacred sites and symbols connected with particular dreamtime heroes who were or gave rise to a particular animal, plant or natural object *(W. Shapiro, Social Organization in Aboriginal Austalia). Those of the same totem are considered like brothers and sisters, therefore they cannot marry one of the same totem. Also, they will not harm or eat their totem unless in dire need of nutrition. The totem - the animal or plant - by behaving in some unexpected way before a mans waking eyes or in a dream, warns him if danger is near, strengthens him when he is sick and turns his mind towards absent relations in trouble ~Customs:.
Rituals to are very important to the culture. Due to the decrease in the population, tribes often have to find other tribesmen to help perform these ceremonies. Many of the sacred chants may seem uninspiring to the outsider, as he reads literal translations. Verse after verse, scores of them recount everyday ordinary happenings. The heroic ancestor or the totemic party move here, move there, across a sand-hill or over a plain; but they also reveal theirsupernormal powers? , of moving through the air or under the ground, and .
of changing into other forms, of men acting as animals, and animals as men This embraces their totem which they celebrate with great respect.