Even in politics,.
advertising sells its candidate. In the past presidential election it was.
impossible to watch TV on any given evening without seeing Bill Clinton or.
his ideas numerous times. Brand names for many well known products have.
been adopted as the name used for all brands of the same product. People.
request a Kleenex rather than asking for a tissue or might ask to use the.
Xerox machine rather than the copy machine. This ability to bombard a.
consumer greatly increases the chances the consumer will buy their brand.
because of the recognition they have with it.
Television has the advantage of airing an advertisement at a.
particular time of the day or during a specific program to gain the.
attention of a specific target audience. For instance, a morning cartoon.
show will break for commercials advertising toys, games, and certain.
breakfast cereals targeted at children, while a daytime soap opera will.
target women with advertisements of household cleaners, hair products, and.
other beauty supplies designed to "help" (Wrighter1) them look and feel.
more beautiful. "Mc Donald's success can be traced to [this] precision of.
advertising" (Solomon 334). Instead of a standard advertisement for.
everyone, they have different ads for "different age groups, different.
classes, even different races" (Solomon 334). They have Ronald McDonald.
and his friends advertisements for children, "hip and happy adolescents.
singing dancing and cavorting together" (Solomon 334), for the teenage ads.
and for the older audience, there is the "Mac Tonight" ads or the new "Arch.
Deluxe" hamburger that is being advertised as the "adult" hamburger.
Airing advertisements at specific times enables the promoter to match the.
ad to the viewer. Even though attempts are made to match the ad with the.
audience, many feel this should be regulated even more. "All major media.
organizations need advertising to exist; that's how they pay their bills".